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OELMA Town Hall Meetings

Our advocacy team has created virtual monthly Town Hall Meetings held usually the 3rd or 4th Thursday of every month to help share new and updated information to help foster communication, collaboration, and addressing issues within the library community.

At the bottom of this page we have shared our objectives with our Town Hall Meetings. 

Objectives of OELMA Town Hall Meetings include:

Communication and Information Sharing:

Provide a platform for school librarians to share important information, updates, and announcements with their colleagues.

Disseminate news about upcoming events and other relevant matters.

Community Building:

Foster a sense of community among school librarians by bringing them together to discuss shared goals, challenges, and achievements.

Encourage networking and relationship-building.

Problem Solving:

Address and discuss challenges or issues faced by the library community. 

Seek input and suggestions from school librarians on potential solutions to identified problems.

Professional Development:

Provide opportunities for school librarians to engage in free professional development.

Share best practices and innovative ideas that can contribute to the continuous improvement of library services.

Feedback and Input:

Gather feedback from librarians about existing programs, services, and policies.     


Facilitate collaboration among school librarians, encouraging the exchange of ideas and resources.

Identify opportunities for joint projects or partnerships.

Recognition and Celebrations:

Acknowledge and celebrate the achievements and contributions of individual school librarians and teams of school librarians. 

Recognize milestones or special accomplishments within the school library community.


Promote transparency in decision-making processes of OELMA. 

Sense of Ownership:

Empower school librarians by involving them in decision-making processes and allowing them to have a voice in shaping the direction of the OELMA.

By addressing these objectives, a school librarian town hall meeting can contribute to a positive and collaborative work environment within our OELMA community and beyond. It helps to ensure that everyone is informed, engaged, and working together towards common goals.


Ohio Educational Library Media Association                                                                                     Contact Us | Website:

675 Alpha Drive, Suite E and K
Highland Heights, OH 44143 

Phone: 614.647.3487 

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2022 Ohio Educational Library Media Association

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